Pet Phos Feline 96 tablets is a vitamin-mineral supplement for adult cats, growing kittens, pregnant cats or lactating cats.
Pet Phos Feline 96 tablets is a vitamin-mineral supplement for adult cats, growing kittens, pregnant cats or lactating cats.
Pet Phos Feline 96 tablets is a vitamin-mineral supplement for adult cats, growing kittens, pregnant cats or lactating cats.
Vitamins A and D 3, calcium, phosphorus, iodine and magnesium, manganese play an important role in protein synthesis and bone mineralization.
Group B vitamins, vitamin PP, pantothenic acid and lysine are involved in energy metabolism and the synthesis of amino acids or proteins.
Arginine and choline support liver activity during overwork and recovery from strenuous activity.
Vitamin A, biotin, zinc, linoleic acid are essential for skin and coat.
Pet Phos Feline is a nutritional supplement for:
growing kittens,
lactating females,
adult cats (for maintenance, convalescence or weakening).
Presentation: Pet Phos Feline is packaged in curii of 96 tablets
Important: Pet Phos Feline falls into the pharmacy category. Consult your veterinarian to diagnose, prescribe medication or diet based on your dog or cat's specific needs.
It is administered as such or mixed in food.
Adult cats: 1 tablet / day (for cats under 4 kg) or 2 tablets / day (for cats older than 4 kg) in cures of 7-14 days that can be repeated monthly.
Growing kittens: 1 tablet / day until 3 months of age and 2 tablets / day until 10 months of age.
Pregnant cats: 1 tablet in the morning and evening throughout gestation, except in the last week.
Lactating cats: 2 tablets in the morning and evening, throughout lactation.
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