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MULTIVIT INJECTABLE 100ML // Horses, cattle, foals, calves, lambs, piglets, sows / cavalli, bovini, puledri, agnelli, suinetti, scrofe

MULTIVIT INJECTABLE 100ML // Horses, cattle, foals, calves, lambs, piglets, sows / cavalli, bovini, puledri, agnelli, suinetti, scrofe

Regular price € 34.99 EUR
Regular price Sale price € 34.99 EUR
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1 ml solution contains:
50,000 IU Retinyl palmitate (vit A)
25,000 IU Cholecalciferol (vit D3)
4 mg Alpha-tocopherol acetate (vit E)
2.5 mg Thiamin HCl (vit B1)
2 mg Riboflavin sodium phosphate (vit B2)
1.25 Pyridixin HCl (vit B6)
0.03 mg Cyanocobalamin (vit B12)
2 mg Ascorbic acid (vit C)
12.5 mg Nicotinamide
3 mg D-Penthenol

Vitamin deficiencies in cases of stress, weaning diseases, rickets, muscular dystrophies, parasitic infections, skin deformities, nerve disorders, anemia and (re)convalescence.

Dosage and administration:
For subcutaneous or intramuscular administration.
Horses and cattle: 8 - 12 ml
Foals and calves: 3 - 5 ml
Lambs: 2 - 3 ml
Piglets 10 -30 kg: 1 -3 ml
Sows: 4 - 5 ml

Waiting period:

Storage conditions:
Store in cool places (8 0 C-15 0 C), in the dark.




1 ml di soluzione contiene:
50.000 UI Retinil palmitato (vit A)
25.000 UI Coleciferolo (vit D3)
4 mg Alfa-locoferolo acetato (vit E)
2,5 mg Teanina HCI (vit B1)
2 mg Riboflavina sodica fosfato (vit B2)
1,25 Piridixina HCI (vit B6)
0,03 mg Cianocobalamina (vit B12)
2 mg Acido ascorbico (vit C)
12,5 mg Nicotinamide
3 mg D-Pentenolo

Carenze vitaminiche in caso di stress, malattie da astinenza, rachitismo, distrofie muscolari, infezioni parassitarie, deformazioni cutanee, disturbi nervosi, anemia e (ri)covalescenza.

Dosaggio e somministrazione:
Per somministrazione sottocutanea o intramuscolare.
Cavalli e bovini: 8 - 12 ml
Puledri e bovini: 3 - 5 ml
Agnelli: 2 - 3 ml
Suinetti 10 - 30 kg: 1 - 3 ml
Scrofe: 4 - 5 ml

Periodo di attesa:

Condizioni di conservazione:
Conservare in luoghi freschi (8 0 C-15 0 C), al buio.




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Product Product subtotal Quantity Price Product subtotal
MULTIVIT INJECTABLE 100ML // Horses, cattle, foals, calves, lambs, piglets, sows / cavalli, bovini, puledri, agnelli, suinetti, scrofe
MULTIVIT INJECTABLE 100ML // Horses, cattle, foals, calves, lambs, piglets, sows / cavalli, bovini, puledri, agnelli, suinetti, scrofe
MULTIVIT INJECTABLE 100ML // Horses, cattle, foals, calves, lambs, piglets, sows / cavalli, bovini, puledri, agnelli, suinetti, scrofe
<span class=money>€ 34.99</span>/ea
€ 0.00
<span class=money>€ 34.99</span>/ea € 0.00