LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat per cani e gatti Previene l'indigestione e arricchisce il momento del pasto

LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna
LickiMat Style Slow Feeder Mat for Dogs & Cats Prevent indigestion and enriches meal time - Pet Shop Luna

Pet Shop Luna SRL

€ 21.52 

Alimentatore lento cane gatto tappetino per animali domestici burro per cani lecca pad dispositivo di distrazione dell'alimentatore lento per cani rende la doccia facile e divertente e sollievo dall'ansia caratteristica: 100% e alta qualità. Mangiare lentamente, più sano e più divertente - La ciotola per cani rallenta efficacemente il tempo di mangiare, il che migliora la digestione, promuove sane abitudini alimentari e lascia che il tuo cane si diverta di più mentre mangia. Altri vantaggi delle ciotole di alimentazione lenta - (1) Anti soffocamento; (2) Aiuta a controllare/perdere peso, soprattutto per i cani troppo grassi con difficoltà motorie; (3) Impedisci al cane di incasinare il bene. Sicuro e durevole: questa ciotola per alimentazione lenta è realizzata in materiale gel di silice di buona qualità, sicuro, ad alta resistenza e durevole. Dimensioni: 15x15x0,78 cm / 5,91x5,91x0,31 '' Colore: rosso, blu, verde, arancione Design indipendente: ciotola multiuso, bevi la dieta giusta, design più user-friendly, facile da pulire, bell'aspetto, resistente . Design del blocco della ciotola: per evitare il cibo per cani troppo velocemente, è difficile controllarsi, quindi per evitare di mangiare, gli animali domestici che mangiano lentamente aiuteranno a proteggere lo stomaco dell'animale e ad aiutare una crescita sana. Contenuto della confezione: 1x ciotola per animali domestici Alimentazione lenta Cane Gatto Tappetino per animali domestici Tappetino per leccare il burro per cani Distrazione dell'alimentatore lento Mangiare lentamente, più sano e più divertente - La ciotola per cani rallenta efficacemente il tempo di mangiare, che migliora la digestione, promuove sane abitudini alimentari e lascia che il tuo cane divertiti di più mentre mangi. Altri vantaggi delle ciotole di alimentazione lenta - (1) Anti soffocamento; (2) Aiuta a controllare/perdere peso, soprattutto per i cani troppo grassi con difficoltà motorie; (3) Impedisci al cane di incasinare il bene. Sicuro e durevole: questa ciotola per alimentazione lenta è realizzata in materiale gel di silice di buona qualità, sicuro, ad alta resistenza e durevole.