Ginger/Ghimbir Tincture 50 ml

Ginger/Ghimbir Tincture 50 ml - Pet Shop Luna

Dacia Plant

€ 10.00 

Hydroalc message extract 100% natural 50ml

Ginger tincture is a hydroalcoholic solution obtained by cold preparation from the root of the Zingiber officinal plant, and is indicated for the normal functioning of digestion, reducing nausea caused by motion sickness, increasing appetite and supporting the proper functioning of peripheral circulation.
Presentation size: 50ml

Method of administration
Children from 7 to 15 years: 5-20 drops 3 times a day.
Adults and young people over 15 years: 30 drops 3-4 times a day.

The tincture is diluted in 100 ml of water (half a glass) 30 minutes before meals. To support digestion it is recommended to take the product after eating. It can be administered as needed or in situations where long administration is required, one month course with a week break, at least one month, is recommended.

Hyperacid gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcer, pregnancy, lactation, intolerance to any component of the product.
Gastric hyperacidity.

Contribuie la

-ajută la susținerea digestiei, -contribuie la funcționarea normală a tractului intestinal,
-ajută în caz de rău de mişcare, stare de vomă sau "rău de mare", -ajută la menținerea secrețiilor normale la nivelul tractului respirator,
-contribuie la susținerea vitalității/energiei, -are proprietăți tonice ce contribuie la rezistența împotriva oboselii,
-are proprietăți antioxidante semnificative.


extract 1:2,25 in solute hidroalcoolica (alcool etilic/apa - 45/55 in raport de masa) din radacini de ghimbir (Zingiber officinale).